Saturday 7th September 2024
12 noon - 8pm on The Green

2011 Feedback

You are invited to share a comment after attending Croxfest.
It is only with your support that the event continues to take place!

I went to Croxfest not really knowing what to expect, but was not disappointed at all. Infact, I thought it was great. The Green lends itself to this sort of event and was pleased to see a cross section of people attending, from young children to OAP’s! The atmosphere was great, as were the bands and I watched everyone meeting up with friends and familiar faces alike. The event itself was very well run and clearly well attended. Well done to the event organisors for a very successful festival.


September 29, 2011 9:58 am

We all really enjoyed ourselves, it was fantastic! the music and the organisation of the event was beyond belief. the kindness & friendliness of all of the stewards and volunteers, it really made our day enjoyable.
R Goldsmith & E Mancuso
Company Directors
Event First Aid Services

Event First Aid Services

September 28, 2011 8:07 pm

Had a fantastic lazy afternoon listening to the music and having the odd glass of wine – what a nice way to spend a Saturday! Thanks for all the hard work that went into organising this.


September 27, 2011 7:49 pm

Thanks for a great day. It felt like a festival. The atmosphere was lovely, with families and neighbours bumping into each other and hanging out, sharing picnics, kids playing together. The bands were nicely varied and all struck the right tone for the day – especially the headline act, who could get a party going in a tax office and sent the crowd home happy and proud of Croxley Green.
I only have a few suggestions: Don’t change much. Concede as little as possible to the complainers – the sound did fill the village a bit but it’s only one day. And most of us will be up on the Green anyway, enjoying ourselves with the rest of the community.
Try to promote it a bit more, next time. The gazebo idea is a good one but I didn’t know about it until I got up there. The follow-on shows at the sports club and the Sportsman really helped the music festival feeling but, again, I didn’t know about them before the night.
Congratulations to the council for having the courage to support the event – they really proved that they’re serving the community. And well done to the organisers for a great idea and a great event.


September 25, 2011 9:15 pm

Great day – thank you. Friendly, relaxed atmosphere with all ages seeming to enjoy themselves, behaving and keeping the place tidy – just a few weeks after the riots elsewhere. Some sympathy with the immediate neighbours though – live with it for one afternoon / early evening a year?
Some thoughts:
More varied programme? Two stages to allow for better continuity? Don’t let it get too big / commercialised / drink-sodden. Order the same weather next year……
Thanks again to all who organised, ran, and performed.

Dave (59)

September 10, 2011 6:37 pm

Thank you so much for an excellent event. It was a very brave initiative that was organised superbly.The atmosphere was wonderfully relaxed and friendly. Many thanks to all who worked so hard to plan and run the CroxFest.


September 10, 2011 9:52 am

We had a fabulous day. Thank you and well done the all event appeared to run very smoothly and professionally we look forward to coming back next year with many more friends and family.
Highly recommended day! Many thanks again to all involved.


September 10, 2011 12:07 am

I hated it.
The noise was extremely loud and despite having doors and windows closed I could still hear it.
It was reverberating all round the house. I live in Grove Crescent, and I know others from different streets found the noise intolerable.
I’m all for getting things for the village to do, but please bear in mind that not everybody likes, or can listen to the same (volume of) noise!


September 9, 2011 3:31 pm

We had such an amazing afternoon. The event was so well organised and it was free!!! We thought the bands were great and somehow perfect weather materialised. The loos were clean and plentiful. Security was friendly and efficient. Next year can we have a beer tent and the same good weather please? My son was at the front by the stage clinging to the gate railings bobbing along excitedly to the music for ages and he is only 1.5 years old! Thanks and congrats on a good effort. See you next year.


September 9, 2011 2:06 pm

It was great to see this new event happening on “our” green. I was impressed by the quality of the food outlets etc and by the marshalling and ever present litter clearers.
I have a suggestion to make for an aticipated “next time”. For the hour or so I attended, the music was not to my taste and, although your website gave details of the bands and their types of music, I didn’t see anywhere an indication of the programme. Perhaps for next time you could produce leaflets, posters etc and put on the website a programme showing the times at which each band will be playing and a brief indication of their musical genre. People would then be able to time their visits to coincide with the playing of music they know they will enjoy. That might make the event even more successful !!


September 8, 2011 6:26 pm

Just wanted to say thank you for organising Croxfest! What a brilliant success! We came away from the event on such a high, already looking forward to next year. I feel so lucky to live in Croxley and to have an event like this organised for local people was truly amazing. Seeing all our friends up on the Green with their families, chilling out and enjoying the music was lovely. The atmosphere was great and it felt like a real sense of community bumping in to so many people that we rarely see with busy lives. We enjoyed all the bands, but I have to say The Informers was a wonderfully nostaligic trip down memory lane, playing the covers from our era. Can’t wait until next year…we will be there, Rain or Shine.


September 8, 2011 4:48 pm

Really enjoyed! Would like some happier music, as some of it wasn’t very sing-a-long, but I realise it might just be me that feels like this haha! Hope for the return of Croxfest next year – it was such a friendly atmosphere! ๐Ÿ™‚


September 8, 2011 10:14 am

Thought CroxFest was amazing, so glad the effort was made to bring this small festival to Croxley! Really loved it, the last band was especially good. Really hope to see it return next year.
As I’m sure everyone will have said, a bar amongst the stalls would have been great – and probably you could have made a lot of profits on it too. Would also like to see more children friendly bands in the early afternoon that digresses into adult-style stuff. Face-painting for kids would be good too.


September 8, 2011 10:10 am

Hi to all the bands & people that helped/volunteered to make Croxfest such a lovely day roll on next year
Thank you thank you thank you


September 8, 2011 8:44 am

I was at croxfest most of the day, and yes we were blessed with a day of beautiful sunshine but the whole day was absolutely amazing. The bands were all good and I particularly enjoyed Flutatious who were so very different and floaty and a special delight, would love them to be there next year; and the last band of the night I don’t know their name but I am sure you do.
The whole day went very well from what I could see from my space in the green!!!!!!
There was a lot of volunteers and by the time I left I couldn’t see any rubbish on the green anywhere, even though I must say not everybody was as concious as we were as we took our own rubbish to the many bins provided. I really hope there is going to be another croxfest next year as I found it an amazing way to finish the summer hols, and it is so very local. Thank you once again to the organisers and volunteers for a fabulous day.
Party on Croxley!!!!!!!!!!!


September 7, 2011 7:38 pm

I just wanted to say what a fantastic time we all had on Saturday, it way exceeded our expectations! The music was brilliant, something for all ages. We are extremely lucky to live here with such wonderful family events on our doorstep, keep up the good work! Please please please can we have another one next year?
We would be more than happy to help out if needed.
Thanks again for a fantastic evening.


September 7, 2011 4:36 pm

Fantastic family event even though we didn’t get there til near the end. My kids, although not their kind of music, loved dancing around to The Informers which is my kind of music. The kids also love the glow sticks but then don’t all kids??
I’m ready to support this event again next year, weather permitting. Yes laugh at me if you so wish but I’m not a hardened festival goer ๐Ÿ™‚


September 7, 2011 2:50 pm

I seriously think the previous poster has a medical condition if his eyes were watering on Monday ..I think it was a little loud at times but come on…..


September 7, 2011 1:38 pm

Croxfest not โ€˜keeping Croxley Specialโ€™

I live at the NW corner of Manor Way, not too far from Little Green School. On Saturday 4th September from from the middle of the morning I was subjected to an incredibly loud egotist shouting over a cacophony of sound apparently coming from the Green. It was so loud I had to retreat from the garden and finally into the house. I closed all windows and doors and pulled some of the curtains but the noise was still loud enough to prevent me reading and by 3.30 pm I had an excruciating headache and was crying in pain.

I considered calling the police but doubted they would come.

It was a little less loud from 4 pm but the damage was done. My head is badly aching, and my eyes are still watering [Monday am]. My body is not quite so screwed up in pain as it was but it is still tense.

Clearly there was something wrong with the sound system. Instead of the noise hitting the ground where those who wanted it were, it was going over their heads, and someone suggested it was hitting some metal sheds and rebounding at double volume.

Should there be a โ€˜next yearโ€™ – God forbid – perhaps more attention could be given to the acoustics and noise control so it reaches those who want it and not those who don`t.

It has been suggested I should leave my home for the duration of the noise. No way! What a selfish suggestion!

I do not think this sort of activity is a suitable use for The Green nor do I think it is a suitable use for my taxes – apparently, too, it cost twice the original estimate.


September 7, 2011 12:09 am

Great event. Well organised and thoroughly enjoyable. Very considerate ammenities (parking, stewarding, etc). Family friendly atmosphere. Good sound. Thank you very, very much.
Suggestions for next time:
Sui Lok: Stalls selling craft based stuff (jewellery, clothing, etc.)
Bruce HenmanLok (aged 10): Childrens play area.
Geoff Henman: Opportunities to buy Cds of groups playing (Tenek had sorted this out but my wife wanted a CD of another group), Get Tenek to play again next year!!!!
Thanks again.

Geoff Henman. Sui Lok. Bruce HenmanLok

September 6, 2011 10:09 pm

What a fantastic day. Well done to everyone involved and roll on Croxfest 2012, we can’t wait!


September 6, 2011 10:05 pm

Dear Mark
Thanks very much for you and fellow volunteers for giving your time and expertise in organizing a super well run and enjoyable event. I very much appreciate the effort involved in bringing the concert idea through to fruition. I wonder how you even arranged good weather? Rock and Roll on the next years event please, if possible.


September 6, 2011 9:32 pm

Fab day, relaxed and well organised, don t advertise it too much lets keep it to ourselves!


September 6, 2011 9:11 pm

Absolutely brilliant day. Thoroughly enjoyed it as did my children. I think it’s a great to advocate music to the younger generation, especially giving that there is a significant percentage required to get into secondary schools. I feel this festival provided just that

Jo Watson

September 6, 2011 9:03 pm

Really enjoyed Croxfest, great facilities, bands and the Italian Kitchens food was delicious, best looking food stall I’ve ever seen! Perhaps more trade stalls for next year and some activities for kids but all in all a brilliant day, well done!


September 6, 2011 6:27 pm

Fabulous day!!!! Well organised and very smoothly run. Please Please Please do it again next year!!!!!!!! The bands were great! Nice weather, nice location too.


September 6, 2011 6:13 pm

A great time had by all.
Must surely become a regular summer fixture.


September 6, 2011 5:52 pm

Big thanks to all at Croxfest from Flutatious, excellent soundcrew, excellent stage set up and we were really well treated by all the orginisors and crew and smiling security, a rare thing at festivals. We really enjoyed the show and big thanks to the audience for making us very welcome. We are pleased it was a great success, our local area needs somewhere to showcase local talent and there seems to be plenty of it. We hope you can make it an annual festival. The only advice i would give is try and get it to run a little later, understandable that it is hard to get a licence for loud events so big respect for making it happen….


September 6, 2011 5:29 pm

What an amazing time had by all, we all had a lovely time and what a wonderful atmosphere. Well done to all the people who organised it, I am glad the sun shone for you.
Can’t wait until next year, maybe we could have an extension until 10pm as the funfair is able to stay open until then!
“Such Fun”

Claire Todd

September 6, 2011 3:03 pm

Fantastic day had by all, amazing family atmosphere for all ages, great music, great food, great weather well worth all the hard work I hope, well done everyone who arranged this great event. We dont need a beer tent with 3 great pubs on the Green but we do need another Croxfest next year please and can Eleventh Hour have a later time slot next time.


September 6, 2011 3:20 am

Had a great time thanks. Think the lack of a beer tent is a good thing, keeps it more family based. People can take their own. A wider music genre base maybe next year. But it was brilliant, fabulous job guys x


September 6, 2011 3:20 am

Hi Guys
Just wanted to send a massive thank you and congratulations to you all for an amazing day โ€“ whoever sorted the weather did a brilliant job as well! It was lovely to see so many families coming along, which was something I hadnโ€™t expected.
My team had a great day and really hope that this will be the start of something big โ€“ it will be so much easier to promote next year
Will let you know the total as soon as we finish counting.


September 6, 2011 3:20 am

Well done on the organisation as well, I came up with the family and was very impressed and proud that our company was associated with such a fantastically organised event.


September 6, 2011 3:20 am

A great event and top marks for the organisers and all the bands. I agree with a couple of the other comments that some more laid back, less frenetic sounds would have gone down well during the afternoon sunshine (though I wouldn’t go as far as soft jazz or classical which need different kinds of venue surely?). Next year – more diverse catering, maybe a cafe tent? maybe a kids zone?


September 6, 2011 3:20 am

Will you please pass on our appreciation to everyone who worked so hard to make Saturday’s Croxfest such a success. The family atmosphere was amazing and the music wasn’t bad either! The weather really helped but the number of people attending was phenomenal and we are sure it exceeded even your wildest expectations. Everyone involved should be congratulated on such a professional job well done, so please pass on our comments to them. We hope we can enjoy another Croxfest next year with the help of Parish Council funding and sponsorship, and in these times of cut backs, this free entertainment gives everyone a lift.
We do hope the two charities The Peace Hospice and Help for Heroes, were well supported and for the festival to be broadcast live by the local radio station has surely put Croxley Green well and truly on the map.

On behalf of the Croxley Green Residents Association

September 6, 2011 2:21 am

Just wanted to drop a line to say what a great day we had a croxfest. I really enjoyed the bands and it was a great social day for the local community.
I have lived in this part of the world for about 35 years and I have to say it knocked spots off the revels (god bless it!).
A great mix of music and ages and even more pleasing was that there was a lot of local talent.
Please don’t let this be a one off…
Croxley needs something like this, and I think In general it was a well attended well behaved event.
Thats my two pence.
heres to croxfest – 2012

Ben H

September 5, 2011 10:09 pm

Definatly needs to happen again. It was a great day. Many thanks for everyones hard work it was well worth it. See you in next September!!

siobhan wren

September 5, 2011 9:58 pm

Had a great afternoon, looking forward to next year


September 5, 2011 9:19 pm

We had a great day at Croxfest!! It was really well organised, the atmosphere was very safe and friendly for all the family!! A fab day was had by all, we hope it will happen next year!!


September 5, 2011 2:25 pm

Had a great day at Croxfest, with friends and family. Please lets make this a yearly event. A well done to all of those that organised it.
Maybe a beer tent next year?


September 5, 2011 1:57 pm

Travelled from Yorkshire specially to be there. Thoroughly enjoyed the whole day. I personally dont think it needs a beer tent or more stalls. These events have a habit of growing too big & becoming too expensive to attend. A picnic & our own drinks were all we needed as we were there to listen to the music & support the bands, who we thought all played brilliantly. We are hoping to make this an annual jaunt. Well done to all involved.

Jane from Hull. (+ friends)

September 5, 2011 1:54 pm

Fantastic day and performances.
Well done to all the organisers.


September 5, 2011 1:53 pm

Awesome day !
Bring it on for next year (but with a beer tent LOL!!)
Any pics ?


September 5, 2011 1:38 pm

As one of the committee members for Croxfest 2011 – I just have to say a big thank you to everyone who has left feedback so far. It is quite over whelming to see the positive repsonses and feedback we have received from people. All our hard work (and sometimes frustration) at trying to organise this event, in my opinion, was totally worth it.Thank you so so much to all the other volunteers involved and to each and every visitor who came out and supported the event.


September 5, 2011 12:53 pm

We had a fantastic day! Great bands, brilliant weather, fantastic atmosphere. What more could you ask for. I was pleasantly surprised at the turn out too, there were a lot more people there than what I expected. Please, please, please do it again next year.


September 5, 2011 12:10 pm

All the years I lived in Croxley & there was never anything this good!
What a fantastic day, bands, organisation, security brilliant. Never a hint of any idiots ruining it, lots of fun for all ages, great mix of bands to suit most tastes.
Im sure the grocers at the “top shops” Baldwins Lane loved it to, lol!
So, thanks to all involved in putting big smiles on lots of faces, lets do it again next year ๐Ÿ™‚


September 5, 2011 11:58 am

Absolutely brilliant day, would love for it to happen again next year. Please, Please, Please invite Tenek back again…. they were Awesome.
Perhaps a beer tent next year? And a few more stalls, maybe selling local produce?
All in All though best music event I’ve been to in ages x x x x

Debby Echo Patch

September 5, 2011 11:51 am

Fantastic day, great music, great weather , great location
Can’t wait for next years

Steve Kelly and the kids

September 5, 2011 11:49 am

Shhhhh, don’t tell everyone. Let’s keep Croxfest our secret!


September 5, 2011 11:26 am

Was a fantastic event and thank you to all who came and who was involved! LOVED IT! oh yeah and all the bands were absolutely brilliant! Going to put the pictures up now!


September 5, 2011 11:26 am

Fab day – can’t wait until next year!


September 5, 2011 11:25 am

We all really enjoyed ourselves, it was fantastic! the music and the organisation of the event was beyond belief. the kindness & friendliness of all of the stewards and volunteers, it really made our day enjoyable.

Reece and the gang

September 5, 2011 11:25 am

Fab Brill Wicked!!! Fantastic bands….some who we know and love and a few new surprise ones that I’m now going to check out! Wicked compere (am slightly biased!) and fantastic weather all helped to make it a success! The Thai food was awesome and very good value and the security and organisation was top. Thumbs up from me!


September 5, 2011 11:24 am

a great day had by everybody, no crime recorded in the area and everybody happy – roll on Croxfest II

Rickmansworth Police

September 5, 2011 11:23 am

Talk of Herts today ๐Ÿ™‚ great show (and weather) lovely atmosphere good replacement for the old Rainbow Festival, need a Beer Tent for next year though lot’s were prepared and lot’s weren’t.


September 5, 2011 11:10 am

Great day out helped with the weather, hopefully next year it will be bigger and better!!.


September 5, 2011 10:22 am

Fantastic first year. Great music, great line up, great atmosphere and can see it getting bigger and better. Perfect venue for all to attend. Well done to all the people and organisations who made it possible.
Same again next year?

Graham & Kai & kids

September 5, 2011 10:10 am

Croxfest rocked! Excellant bands, compere (slightly biased on that one!) and weather! Thai food was amazing and good price and loo’s good – me and Stu chuckled when there was an actually queue for the loo’s – a real festy!
Obvious suggestions – it could have gone on longer…but i understand the planning, red tape thing so fair enough. Actaully i wouln’t change a thing…it was great…if you could just make it sunny next year too….!
Oh and The Informers and The Jellies Rock….again slightly biased!
But loved the flautaious band and tenek too – will check them out and see where they are playing next!


September 5, 2011 10:05 am

Well done to all the organisers – What a great day! The community should be proud of what you have acheived.


September 5, 2011 10:02 am

What a great event and well done to all involved. Amazed at the great feedback.


September 5, 2011 9:42 am

This was a fabulous event which the whole family enjoyed. Thank you SO much for all the hard work – we really appreciated it.

Croxley Resident

September 5, 2011 9:38 am

What a fabulous event and so well run by volunteers. I was so happy to see so many children running around happily while their parents and grandparents, some quite elderly, sat on the Green enjoying the music. An event that really touched all ages. I would like to see my council tax contribute to events like this and would encourage TRDC to consider funding such an event next year. Well done to all involved and TRDC dig deep next year.


September 5, 2011 9:38 am

Please do it again next year as it looked fab and I couldn’t make it, and I heard that compere was amazing xxxxxx


September 5, 2011 9:36 am

Had a great day on Saturday – tenek were amazing, as were all the bands we saw – and you didnt run out of loo roll – always a bonus and most unexpected! Looking forward to next year ๐Ÿ˜€


September 5, 2011 9:29 am

What an absolutely brilliant festival. All the volunteers were happy, friendly and helpful – nothing was too much trouble. It was so well run and put together – great bands, great compere, and great atmosphere. A lovely setting with lovely weather. Facilities were very good. There probably could have been more stalls to encourage people to part with their cash. Can’t wait for its return (fingers crossed) in 2012.


September 5, 2011 9:15 am

Make it an annual event and have a beer tent. It was excellent.


September 5, 2011 9:10 am

Lovely day – Croxley at it’s best!!
Thanks to all those who worked so hard to organise a fantastic day for our community ………….. and the sun shone too!
Looking forward to Croxfest 2012.


September 5, 2011 9:08 am

Fabulous, really enjoyed the day and the great family atmosphere. As regular festival goer I would make two comments. Firstly it was absolutely the right decision not to have a beer tent. With 3 pubs in such close proximity & cool boxes allowed in it’s not exactly difficult to keep yourself beered up & it did discourage excessive drinking. Secondly, the water tap being right next to the gents urinal did mean there were small children playing around near the gents all day (not ideal) and a large soggy area of grass which I hope was run off from the taps not the loo ! ! if you know what I mean ! Croxfest 2012 pencilled in my diary already.


September 5, 2011 8:40 am

CroxFest rocked!
As a local i was chuffed we were blessed with our first music festival.
I was honoured and thrilled to be involved in CroxFest and feel everything about the day exceeded everyones expectations.
Bravo and here’s to 2012!!

Big Stu

September 5, 2011 7:48 am

I would like to thank all concerned for a fantastic day at Croxfest. One can imagine any number of reasons not to support this event and not bother, however it seems a far sighted decision was made. This was a wonderful community event and obviously a big hit with the folk of Croxley as they turned out in the thousands! I know that revenue is tight for everyone including local government but I rather like to think that such ventures are worth every single penny as they bring together and re-enforce our community and keep Croxley Green Special. I think people were both amazed and proud at the professionalism attained by the many volunteers.


September 5, 2011 6:52 am

Are the 11th hour a local band ? I thought they were excellent and should have had a a much later billing.


September 5, 2011 6:44 am

Hi there
A big thank you for a great day at Croxfest yesterday. My family and I had a great day, great music, children having fun and a great atmosphere.
My husband had long since said that he though the Green would be a perfect venue for a music concert and he wasn’t wrong. Well done to everyone involved and looking forward to next years Croxfest.
Thanks again.


September 5, 2011 2:16 am

A big thank you to you all – Croxfest 3rd September 2011


September 5, 2011 2:16 am

Was a great success – and everyone should be very proud.


September 5, 2011 2:15 am

Hi, my name is James and I was at Croxfest yesterday. Firstly, I would like to say that I had great fun at Croxfest and would like to thank everyone who helped put up the stage, everyone who helped/volunteered to sort where people would park; whether it was on the Green or opposite the Church, the people who very kindly volunteered to pick up any litter and last but certainly not least, the people who sold food and drinks. My favourite stall was the fudge stall and my favourite band was Flutatious, as they got everybody dancing..
I think it might be a good idea if people could people rent seats that say on the back CROXFEST. That way people rather than sitting on the ground or on a rug can sit comfortably on a seat. That is the only thing I can think to suggest as I really enjoyed myself for the whole day. Thanks again to everyone who helped make Croxfest a fantastic day.

James (age 11)

September 5, 2011 2:15 am

Great family vibe, and so lovely to be able to walk up to the green. If you want street art for the kids at next years, you know where to come.


September 5, 2011 2:13 am

Had a gr8 afternoon!look forward to next years


September 5, 2011 2:12 am

Absolutely brilliant day …. can’t wait for 2012 x


September 5, 2011 2:12 am

Totally rocked! Look forward to 2012.!


September 5, 2011 2:11 am

Brilliant – thanks x


September 5, 2011 2:11 am

So chuffed to been a part of something so brilliant. People were stopping me in the street saying how great it was!


September 5, 2011 2:10 am

What a day – still buzzing! Croxfest rocked. Roll on Croxfest 2012!!


September 5, 2011 2:10 am

We had a fantastic time at Croxfest, was a pleasure to be involved! Let’s hope it happens again next year ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for inviting us to play.


September 5, 2011 2:09 am

Croxfest was legend! Hoping there loads more to come. Croxley rocked!!


September 5, 2011 2:09 am

Many thanks for giving us the opportunity to be a very small part of what was a hugely successful event. To say the event was slick would be an understatement.
Please count us in if you require sponsorship next year!


September 5, 2011 2:08 am

Well done to the organisers of Croxfest! It was a brilliant afternoon. I hope there will be many more to come.


September 5, 2011 2:08 am

excellent, same again next year please please

bob and beryl old rockers

September 5, 2011 2:07 am

Delighted it was a great success
any pics available of the event ?
give yourself a very well deserved
pat on the back .. Cheers
ps will it be a regular event ?


September 5, 2011 2:06 am

Just wanted to say that we really enjoyed this year’s event and would love to see it back again next year so we can invite some friends along.
Well done to everyone involved and thanks for all the hard work!


September 5, 2011 2:05 am

Great day……great organisation…..thanks……look forward to next year!!! Is there any chance of alcohol being available to buy???


September 5, 2011 2:04 am

What a day, Croxfest Rocked !


September 5, 2011 2:03 am

A very big thank you to all you volunteers for organising Croxfest yesterday. It was a wonderful event and bought the whole community together. Please please let it be on again next year!!!
Many thanks,


September 5, 2011 2:01 am

To all at croxfest hq. We had a great day yesterday with all the family.
Please do it again next year


September 5, 2011 2:00 am

Hi, I enjoyed the first Croxfest a great deal. It was certainly something I never expected to see in Croxley Green!
I did have a few thoughts about next years event (I’ve been promoting gigs around Herts and London for about 18 months now and have been attending festivals since 1997)
The ideas I did have are all pretty straightforward:
1. A second stage – obviously there’s limited room on the green but I think a marquee with a 2nd (possibly acoustic) stage would be good. It works at the Canal Festival.
2. More stalls – hopefully the popularity of the first event will encourage more stall holders at next years. It would be nice to see more variety – give the people something to do between sets and just as a way to be there without having to be too close to the music as it can get overwhelming.
3. A beer tent – I’ll bet I’m the 100th person to suggest this!
4. Capping the vendors food prices – I understand that times are hard and vendors need to make X amount of money but I’m not sure there’s any real justification for there to be so little for people to buy to eat under a fiver. If a cap was introduced I’m sure the vendors would sell more and make it worth their while… Croxfest may not be Glasto but there’s no reason that people that are a little on the skint side shouldn’t be able to have as good a time as anyone else.
5. I’m not sure if there was one (I didn’t see it if there was) but some sort of program/running order – even if a small charge was made for it. If it was made with a little information/photos of the bands and suchlike it would make a nice souvenir as well as being useful to tell people who the bands are and at what time.
I hope these were useful. Great job again to all concerned.


September 4, 2011 10:29 pm

Many thanks to all the organizers and the bands as we had a great day. The children also loved it my 12 year old was there from start to finish with her friends!
Maybe next year a licensed bar for later in the day ?
We’re looking forward to the next one.


September 4, 2011 10:12 pm

CroxFest 2011 was excellent. Absolutely brilliant event – totally loved it. Great mix of music genres covered.
Massive thanks to all the organisers for such a well run event. Well done to all the bands for such excellent entertainment – and a cheer for Big Stu who did a great job as MC for the day.
We knew there was no beer tent, so happily came prepared. I honestly don’t think a beer tent is needed at the next CroxFest – at Ricky Canal Festival there is always a queue 5 deep at the bar, and I’ve come across several unpleasant really drunk people in the music arena there. I think not having a beer tent limits how drunk folk can get – and keeps it a more family friendly event.
My only other comment is re. timing – it was quite early to get there in time for 12 noon – I think running 1pm-9pm or 2pm-10pm would be much better.

Once again many thanks to all the committee & sponsors for a fantastic day out – really look forward to CroxFest 2012 ;o)


September 4, 2011 10:01 pm

Great day out, and this from a festival veteran! Good luck with next year’s.


September 4, 2011 9:59 pm

Brilliant afternoon thank you – must be an annual event!

Brand Family

September 4, 2011 8:46 pm

Need something for the children. We left after 5 minutes as the children were bored. Maybe a bouncy castle and a few rides????

Miss Fox

September 4, 2011 7:59 pm

Came over from Bushey Heath for the last four hours of Croxfest with two residents with Learning Disabilities. The whole ambience of the fest was lovely and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The area was easy to navigate and it was really easy to explain to our residents where things were and what to do if we lost each other.
Please do it again next year!

Gill - Support Worker

September 4, 2011 7:24 pm

Great day,hope you can do it next year.


September 4, 2011 4:27 pm

Really great afternoon. Bands were really good. Nice to see so many people out enjoying the sun, several families and different generations mixing together. Can’t wait for next year.


September 4, 2011 4:19 pm

Had a Fab afternoon at the music festival. Took a picnic and watched the bands in the lovely sunshine. Hope we can have this music festival next year.Tracey Middleton


September 4, 2011 3:29 pm

Brilliant Day – aided by the weather …….. Good sound, great fun. Shame it had to finish so early


September 4, 2011 1:15 pm

Great event really looking forward to next years Croxfest.


September 4, 2011 1:13 pm

What a fantastic event – thanks to all – we met friends we have’nt seen for while – the bands were great – enjoyed them all. We met Mark on the green on Thursday when he was pacing out the plan – we wear our Croxfest badges with pride – many thanks and very well done – look forward to next year.
NB the food was excellent – loos clean and plenty of them – and the sun shone on the green – want more can you ask for !
My friend who has a small child did wonder whether a bouncy castle might entertain the young ones as there were many families there .
thanks again – Sue (croxley greener)


September 4, 2011 12:45 pm

Great day, well done Croxley


September 4, 2011 12:32 pm

Absolutely brilliant day. Thank you so much, I know how hard it was to organise so your hard work was very much appreciated


September 4, 2011 12:15 pm

Fantastic afternoon please please again next year. The only thing I noticed was people did not come till later and it was a shame for the bands that played at the start perhaps later start and later finish!!


September 4, 2011 12:03 pm

We had an absolutely brilliant time at Croxfest. The organisation was second to none and everything ran like clockwork. Everybody was really friendly too! I very much hope it happens again next year, we’d love to be involved again ๐Ÿ™‚
Best Wishes

Peter Steer - Tenek

September 4, 2011 12:02 pm

It was bwilliant !!!!. Awsome & fab. More next year please

Karl & Lisa

September 4, 2011 11:42 am

Fantastic – we could hear the music from our house, but it sounded so good we had to go down to the Green to see it in person. There is a wealth of talent in the area – we are rockers in our 60s we thought it was great. Hope to see Croxfest again next year, keep up the good work, well done !!!

Mike and Candy

September 4, 2011 11:28 am

Brilliant day….thanks so much and must do it again next year


September 4, 2011 11:27 am

Well done all. 4 adults attended. Look forward to next year.


September 4, 2011 11:27 am

Just a short note to say really enjoyed today, please run it again next year.

Steve, Mel, Scott and Sophie

September 4, 2011 11:27 am

What a brilliant day. Fab organisation,
And loos that worked right until the end.
Thanks to everyone who put it together and put Croxley well and truly on the map. Can’t wait for next years event


September 4, 2011 11:26 am

Had a great afternoon – looking forward to next year.


September 4, 2011 11:26 am

Just wish to say thanks, for organising such a fantastic day.
Some great bands, especially the local ones-The Informers & Jelly Fiends.
It was great that the whole community turned out- bumped into so many old friends, some I’d not seen, for a number of years.
Good luck for next year .

Andy & Jill

September 4, 2011 11:26 am

Really enjoyed Croxfest!
Hope it’s going to go on year after year.

Paul From Hoddesdon

September 4, 2011 11:25 am

Please please please do it again this trial run was a huge success – I am sure Croxley residents would be willing to make a small donation if it meant securing it for next year.


September 4, 2011 11:25 am

Thanks for organising a great day it must have been hard work but was thoroughly enjoyed by this member of the Croxley community.
My fav bands from yest were The Cautionairies, Flutatious and the Informers those mixed with folk like the Corrs and some jazz/soul would be perfect.


September 4, 2011 11:25 am

Hi, just a note to say what an excellent afternoon and evening at Croxfest, the organisation was excellent and the music was terrific, we sincerely hope this becomes a regular event as we will definitely be regular visitors bringing a number of friends from different areas who couldn’t make yesterday.

Thank you from two Croxley Green residents.

September 4, 2011 11:24 am

I have lived in Croxley for 18 years and today was by far and away the best community event I have ever seen, what a bloody fantastic day!
Very, very well done!
Cheers to you.


September 4, 2011 11:23 am